Tuesday 1 October 2013


 Today we went back to our spider charts that we made.  We converted our numbers into percentages then did a rough circular graph.  We estimated the spacing on the graph.  He did well, but it took a long time just to do the two pages of work.  Half the work is just getting him to do a neat job, which is neatly formatted so that it's legible to other people besides him, and sometimes himself too. 
 After a break we got into some Social Studies.  We read through chapter 1 and discussed as we went along.  He began to write out some vocabulary that was highlighted in the text but he ran out of time when we had to go get K from school.  All in all he worked from 10 am - 2 pm with about an hour's worth of breaks in between.
 Early this evening we stopped by the library to drop off about 8 DVD's which now have late fees applied to them, oops.  And we picked up a new audio book.  He's already read the book earlier this Summer so now this will just be some fun listening. 
And tonight he did some more reading from his Percy Jackson book. 

This past weekend he also went with a friend (who is also being taught at home) to a small art exhibit here in town.  I think they just looked and talked a little bit about which ones they liked and why. 

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