Friday 25 October 2013

A Little of This and a Little of That

 Mckenzie's fully completed LEAF CLASSIFICATION chart. 

Playing THE MAIN IDEA board game.  Each player gets a card with 3 multiple choice answers.  The aim is to pick the main idea the story was getting at.  Good for comprehension. 
 The the sports/PE program.  That's Mckenzie jumping for the ball.
 Standing in goal.  For a kid who is not sports minded he does ok.  You can tell who is really into sports and who is neutral.  Mckenzie is at best, neutral.  But he's improving and the benefits of working with teammates, on co-ordination, sportsmanship, physical activity, etc... is great.  You can see the timid pride on his face when he knows he's played well.  It's nice to see.  I still think that he may always gravitate towards individual sports.  We've heard there is an archery location nearby so we'll look into that since he seems really interested in that.

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