Monday 21 October 2013

Leaf Classification Chart

And here is our Leaf Classification chart which Mckenzie worked really hard on.  We did work on it together because it was a big job but he really did all the 'work' work.  He did a great job and it looks terrific!  We've since printed up all the above leaf photos and attached them to the poster (where the blank space is).  He also did a crayon rub of every single leaf and there were 35! 


Today, we had less time to learn because he had his first day participating in the sports program offered through the local College.  Sounds like he had a good time though.  Hand ball and tag were the two he mentioned.  I wasn't there to watch as we carpooled with another family, but I'll probably stick around next time. 

In the morning we did Social Studies and worked on a brief overview of the USA.  It's the same thing as a few weeks ago when we focused on Canada, covering topics of Culture, Environment, Government, and Economy.  Then we follow up by drawing and colouring the flag for that country.  We didn't quite finish the flag but we'll work on that tomorrow.

We also did Math Whizz and I'm happy to see that he really seems to be grasping some of the concepts which have previously been challenging.  I'm still a bit unsure of how that will translate into real world scenarios but I may be getting ahead of myself.  Right now is the time to focus on ingraining some of the basic principles and gaining confidence which will in turn translate into real world success.

And finally we tackled the assigned homework for tomorrow which was filling in the blanks of sentences with "juicy" adjectives. 

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