Saturday 26 October 2013

Science World Field Trip

We finally managed to get away for a field trip of our own.  Kalea had a pro-d day and the whole day was wide open so off we went.  We took in an Electricity show - again, since I know we'll be covering electricity a bit later in our Science curriculum. 
 Mckenzie wasn't quite himself yesterday so we took it easy on the lessons.  Having had memberships for a while we've seen it all many times and one of the great things about Science World is that even the things we've seen over and over can teach us or remind us of principles we use every day without even knowing it.

Above:  we spent a fair bit of time working on the brain teasers they have on the main level.  We never did figure this one out.  But he did figure one out that seemed particularly challenging - until you change your way of approach.  Maybe that's the key to most things we often find challenging - change our point of view.  It's fun to watch the kids working things out in their minds and with their hands.  We can easily underestimate their ability to solve tricky 'puzzles' when sometimes it's the kids who have the easiest time solving them because of their fresh minds that haven't been programmed to only look at things in one way. 
Elaborate costumes made entirely from plastic bags. 
Checking out the new Amped exhibit

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