Wednesday 2 October 2013

Tuesday & Wednesday

 Yesterday, Tuesday was the very first day of home school at the actual home school centre.  I wasn't sure what to expect in terms of how he'd feel about it but he was actually excited.  He told us he had a good day, that he liked it but of course couldn't really tell us much about what he did.  Working on the details has and continues to be a challenge.  Telling us he did music isn't enough.  When it comes to writing I tell him to dazzle me with details but it's almost like he doesn't see the details at all, or if he does they seem so obvious or trivial that he doesn't even register them as being important.  I'm not sure either of us are understanding the others point of view on this. 

Today:  Wednesday
Here is an example of just that.  Our Picture of the Day.  It's a lesson on inferring, basic writing skills, grammar and punctuation, etc.  It's a fairly painful experience - for me.  It takes a lot of time and a lot of hint giving to elicit much work. 

 After a break and some lunch we tackled some Social Studies.  We'll be using what we read in the text book and making a bit of a project with it.  There's a lot of talk of the global village and the parts that make the world the place it is. See below. 
We started with Canada.  We won't be doing anything too in depth, just covering some basics, getting a feel for the subjects and the Countries.  Each time he will pick a new Country of his choice and we will write down a few facts under each category, then he will draw and colour/paint their National Flag on our giant poster.  By the end it should be a very colourful poster.

 We used the Internet as our source and in some cases just brought up images to get an idea of what 'culture' or 'environment'  is like in Canada. 

 I scribed for him as he did lots of writing earlier in the day and we needed to finish the task in a somewhat timely manner.

 The final step, drawing and colouring the flag, while listening to The Hobbit on CD.  Looking good!

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