Saturday 19 October 2013



 We were away over Thanksgiving so we didn't really do much work other than reading and the odd time on Math Whizz.  But we did a few extra curricular activities that we wouldn't have been doing at home.  Mckenzie spent lots of time perfecting his archery (I thought I had a photo - I guess I was wrong).  He was really good.  He also went ATVing, we took a 'field trip' to a corn maze, haunted house and went on a tractor ride. 

The day after we got home it was right back to school, which is where I borrowed this treasure from; the skull.  It was a happy surprise for him when he got home, even though we're not working on anatomy, I knew he'd like it. 

Today we worked all day on a leaf classifying project.  It's almost complete, just have to get some photos printed and attached.  I'll post photos of it next time.

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