Thursday 26 September 2013

 Nothing like taking a 'pop quiz' while soaking up the sun on the trampoline.  And yes, I know the board has some spelling mistakes, what kind of teacher am I? lol.  Momentary lapse.
 We call this the math train.  Each card has a math equation on it, addition, subtraction, multiplication or division, sometimes more than one.  The answers are on the back.  Every few cards I placed a tiny candy.  If he got to that card he got the candy, quite motivational.  When he gets the hang of it and picks up his speed a bit we'll do a timed run, if he beats the clock, he gets some sort of treat at the end. 

 Quality reading time with the little guy.
 This is the math program he uses.  So far he's really liking it.  I think mostly because he earns credits with which he can buy items from the virtual shop. 

 He's got his eyes set on this little hamster. 

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