Monday 23 September 2013

Spider Web Art Project

We began this project last week and finished it off over the weekend.  He began by drawing a picture, anything he wanted.  Then he used the hot glue gun to trace it.  After that he used a glue stick to cover the back of regular household foil then placed that over top of his picture. 
 Using a dry cloth he gently rubbed over the surface to mold it to the picture/dried glue.

 Then using a soft rag he rubbed shoe polish over it.  He had to be careful not to wipe too much or the polish would wipe off again.
 We used a fair bit, and it was stinky.  I'm not sure if we used the right kind of polish, we just used dollar store polish.  Enough to show the picture beneath.

 After finishing that, we left it for a few minutes then wiped off some excess, leaving just enough to stick in the grooves.  And the first picture you saw in this post was the completed project. 
 For a few hours we had it hanging in the hallway but it was just way to stinky so we had to move it to the outside of the door.  The smell is probably gone enough now to bring it back in but it's a perfect little spot for it, we see it all day long while going in and out.

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