Wednesday 18 September 2013

Great Finds

 Our day started with a walk and some spelling review.  It's funny how well he does verbally yet, his writing assignments seem to tell a different story.  He said it looks better the way he spells it, hmmm....
Our walk took us on a trip to the library which has resulted in another huge pile of DVD's that we probably won't be able to get through and a stack of books on insects.  I thought we'd go to get some visual inspiration for an art project and it just didn't evolve that way. 
 We watched this DVD which turned out to be great.  Very learning centred, including a multiple choice quiz at the end which Mckenzie nailed.  I wasn't sure he was taking it all in since his note taking was sketchy, but it seems that he did.  Still, I think there was just so many great things to go over again so I took notes myself and will make up a little lesson plan on it myself. 
 On the way home from the library we decided to collect foliage from as many different trees as possible.  I think there are a few missing from the photo and it was also hard to narrow down what foliage to collect as there is just so much.  We tried to stick to trees or large bushes.  Not sure what we'll do with them so for now they're just being pressed in our insect books.

 Some backyard friends.  These little guys made eating outside this Summer next to impossible.  But the pattern on their bodies is pretty cool.  And this spider has quite fancy markings.
 Riding his bike, this kid has been a riding machine lately.  He and a couple other kids on the block who are being home schooled having been tearing up the neighbourhood.  So nice that he'll have friends to ride with even when the days are shorter because they'll be able to take time during the day. 

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