Thursday 19 September 2013

The Diversity of Life

 Since we're covering insects right now it only seems fitting that we start with the Diversity of Life Unit in Science.  Covering the concept of what the difference is between living and non-living things. 
 The first stages of an art project he's working on.  First step:  draw a picture, not too much detail.  Step Two:  trace the lines with glue.  You can use regular Elmers glue but we decided on hot glue so that it would sit higher and dry faster.  More steps to come. 

He also drew a fantastic dragonfly today which we'll use for something else also. 

He's been riding his bike lots today again and is now out running around the neighbourhood with the boys.  Once he gets home we'll do some Math Whizz and Lumosity.  So far he's enjoying it - the Math Whizz.  His goal is to earn 1000 credits to buy a pet dragon. 

And as with every night he's been reading Percy Jackson for about 30 minutes. 

Today felt really loose.  Didn't really do a lot, at least not yet.  But since he's eager to go online to do math I'm certain he won't mind doing a bit more tonight.  A little bit here, a little bit there. 

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