Thursday 1 May 2014


 When we first talked to Mckenzie about homeschooling he was a little hesitant, however after talking about all the possible pros and cons of both homeschooling and middle school he obviously chose homeschool.  Camp was a big selling feature.  One mention of kayaking and he was sold.  He's been looking forward to camp for a while now and it's finally here.  He'll be home tomorrow from his 3 day, 2 night getaway.  The weather was the most beautiful it's been all year; perfect for camp.  The setting is beautiful and with fun exciting activities planned throughout I have no doubt he's having a great time.  Milo and I stayed for a few hours the first day.  We went with Mckenzie's group on a big hike around the lake then we stayed as Mckenzie went kayaking and through until after lunch time.  For his sake I want him to stay as long as possible, keep having loads of fun, but for mine, I can't wait to have him home and tell me all about his adventures.

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