Monday 12 May 2014

Language Arts, Math & Science

I'm so happy with the Building Thinking Skills book that I bought the beginning of the year.  It has a lot of really great lessons in several different subjects.  I particularly like the Language Arts lessons as that is an area of struggle.  It's nice to see that he does pretty well in these.

 He also asked me to do the math train game.  Wow!  Really?!  Yes, you may.  I wrote out some new flashcards for today's game.  I wanted to incorporate our recent math lessons on decimals, fractions and percentages.  He did very well.  As usual, candy is always a good incentive for Mckenzie.
 As you've noticed we are studying extreme environments in Science.  Space is one of those environments we're focusing on.  Volcanos is another one of interest to Mckenzie.  Today he began his large scale volcano model. 

Thursday 1 May 2014


 When we first talked to Mckenzie about homeschooling he was a little hesitant, however after talking about all the possible pros and cons of both homeschooling and middle school he obviously chose homeschool.  Camp was a big selling feature.  One mention of kayaking and he was sold.  He's been looking forward to camp for a while now and it's finally here.  He'll be home tomorrow from his 3 day, 2 night getaway.  The weather was the most beautiful it's been all year; perfect for camp.  The setting is beautiful and with fun exciting activities planned throughout I have no doubt he's having a great time.  Milo and I stayed for a few hours the first day.  We went with Mckenzie's group on a big hike around the lake then we stayed as Mckenzie went kayaking and through until after lunch time.  For his sake I want him to stay as long as possible, keep having loads of fun, but for mine, I can't wait to have him home and tell me all about his adventures.