Friday 6 December 2013


 We've moved into the area of microscopes.  Here Mckenzie is testing what happens when you place a drop of water on a clear piece of tape.  The result:  magnification.  And the bigger the drop, the more magnified the image is.  We talked about what a microscope is, how it's benefited our society, what it's used for, and 3 different kinds; simple, compound and electron. 

Today on his own he made his own version of a compound microscope by taping together 3 magnifying glasses.  It worked.  Everything in it was magnified even more than usual. 

And on a different note, the flowers, celery and coloured water experiment didn't yield too much.  The celery changed a little bit, the tips and/or leaves turned colours on the edges but not really along the stem.  And the daisies showed no difference at all.  At least not with roughly 36 hours.  I expect it would take much longer than we were willing to wait.  I needed my cups and counter space back. 

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