Thursday 12 December 2013

Family Tree Project

Mckenzie and I worked together on this family tree and finished it a while ago now but we hadn't put up pictures of the completed project.  Not only did he make the traditional family tree, he also used a world map to trace where 3 family lines came from up until him.  He used coloured string to do that and also wrote out the movements along the bottom of the map (not pictured). 

He then did profiles on certain family members.  Those with stars beside their names were profiled.  Above are a couple of those profiles.  They include stories, a 5 page short story from his great great grandma retelling her life beginning in Austria at the age of 4 throughout her life as a Canadian pioneer in the early 1900's, an interview with his grandpa who became a paraplegic while still a teenager and stories of his grandfather who was a paratrooper during the war, became a POW and managed to escape the firing squad. 

He feels a great deal of pride in this project and of course we couldn't have done it without help from family members sharing information and photos with us, especially his maternal grandpa who has done extensive genealogy work. 

We'll soon be taking a field trip to the Burnaby Village Museum which is set in the 1920's.  Today he began the task of finding out who in his family tree lived during that time period and how old they were between 1920-1930.  We'll keep that in mind when we visit the museum.  Although we've been there before, we'll be looking at it differently this time, and it will all be decorated up in Christmas glory.  Should be fun. 

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