Tuesday 17 December 2013

Easter style Math

 Although the 1st term in over for the centre, we've carried on with some work.  Today we matched fractions using plastic Easter eggs.  It was a good visual to see how 10/15 is the same and 2/3 or 2/4 is the same as 1/2  - for example. 

On our advent activity for the day it was to write a Christmas story so we used that to do some Language Arts.  He printed it first then typed it and self corrected.  It's pretty basic and could use a bit of embellishing. 
He also spent some time biking and finished up his last swim lesson.

He's been continuing his chapter reports for the book Stranded by Jeff Probst as well as continuing to research adaptability traits for a living thing in each of these categories: land, air, water.   A little bit of Math Whizz thrown in and I had him use his family tree project to see who was alive between 1920-1930, listing them chronologically.  We're taking a field trip on Friday and it will be interesting to make those family connections with the time period. 

For physical activity he's been busy with his paper route, swimming, and biking.  And he's continuing his 'fun' free reading with the 4th Percy Jackson book.  I swear he just started the 3rd. 

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