Friday 25 April 2014

Math and Language Arts

This thank you letter is a while coming but that's my fault.  He stayed with his aunt and uncle over part of Spring Break.  As always he had a fantastic time with the exception of having an ATV roll over him.  Note that he did NOT include gratuities for that part of the holiday.  'Taking good care of me' is a bit of an understatement since auntie probably saved his life by taking the brunt of the crash.  For that we ALL say THANK YOU!
 We're trying to come up with different ways to solidify the concept of comparing fractions.  I saw this idea on Pinteret.  I'm not sure if we played the way they directed but we just went for it.  Each player rolls 2 dice to come up with their fraction.  The smaller number is the numerator while the larger number is the denominator.  Then we used pictures to have a visual reference and then determined which was greater than and less than.
Then we also did a bit of an oral pop quiz.  He did great and had no trouble.  A couple of days ago I gave him a written math quiz covering fractions and back to prime and composite numbers and he didn't do so well.  Written = not a very accurate gauge on his knowledge.  Unfortunately the world works a lot with written evaluations.
 And writing is still a challenge.  If he was to speak and have me scribe he could go on and on but doing the whole process himself is a bit overwhelming.  We have been trying to do some writing exercises called 'blabber' where he just writes anything for 5 minutes without regard to grammar, spelling, etc... but that was losing it's usefulness.  Today I asked him to write a short paragraph and use some words I provided.  It seemed to work much better. 

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