Monday 17 February 2014

Zentangles Art Project

 Like I've said before, it just feels like there isn't enough time to do everything I want to do and because of that Art has suffered... badly.  And I love art.  But it does seem to take a back seat to the other more academic subjects.  Hopefully though we can make more of an effort to squeeze in some time for art because it really is so important and good for you.  I found this idea on Pinterest.  I guess they're called Zentangles.  The idea seems to be that you draw some sort of basic divider through the blank page, either curves or loops, zig zags or lines; whatever you like.  Then you doodle in each of the spaces.  At first it seems like a challenge to think of lots of ways to doodle but it doesn't take long before more and more ideas pop into your head.  It's fun to mix simple doodles with complex and busy ones.  This is the first  piece he's done.  I hope to have him complete at least two more for this set. 
 I really loved how his tiny circles came out as well as the criss cross lines. 

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