Sunday 16 February 2014

Swamp Boat

Mckenzie just completed his Robotics course that he took with his dad.  It was a 6 week course and although he lost some steam near the end he did complete his project, with help from dad.  He had to design and build his own 'robot'.  He chose to make a boat.  It required them to wire up 5 LEDS with a 9 volt battery, the main power was by a 12 volt adaptor with a voltage adjuster and polarity reverse (aka, they could change the speed and direction).  The idea was that is had 2 motors independently controlled to provide steering.  Two motors running forward at the same time propelled the boat forward, while running one motor forward and the other backward turned the boat.  The front cannon was going to be a water pump but the only pump we found was too expensive.  He also attached wheels to the bottom so that it could be run on both land and water.  Below is a short video clip of it's inaugural run in our bathtub.

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