Monday 25 November 2013

The 5 Kingdoms

 100 Brownie points!  Well, actually 101 points.  The other day he wrote so neatly (a huge feat which took a lot of time) that he got himself two brownie cards.  Today he was inspired all on his own to mimic this behaviour again.  And it worked.  His effort did not go unnoticed and he bumped himself up over the 100 mark.  He decided to make a marble cake and it sure does taste good. 

Our school days in the first part of November were a little scattered.  I had a large fundraiser that I was organising for my daughters school and it took up a lot of time.  So I enlisted Mckenzie's help in community service.  He was a great help to me. 
We still did a lot of work but not a great variety of work.  Mostly Social Studies (the big family tree project).  But we also did a bit of math and reading with chapter reports.  But it didn't feel like we did a lot, probably because our routine was off.  However, we are now back to routine.

More work on Science, specifically the 5 Kingdoms (Fungi, Monera, Protista, Plantae, and Animalia).  We often do a quick pop quiz of material covered right back from September and he's retaining it!!!  Victory! 
We're covering the Animal Kingdom right now and using a bit of family tree style work to solidify the classes within that kingdom.  First it's divided into Vertebrates and Invertebrates and then it branches off from there.  He wants to do another big project for it so we will be diving a little more in depth into the 5 classes of the Animal Kingdom (fish, reptiles, mammals, amphibians and birds) and we'll finally be able to dig into some of the very large selection of old National Geographic magazines my parents gave us.
Once we make our little info package for each class in the animal kingdom, including examples and characteristics, we will hunt for photos to support each class by using the characteristics given to determine which class they belong to. 

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