Thursday 28 November 2013

Books Books and More Books

This is how we keep track of the books Mckenzie has read.  Or listened to since September.  He's still currently working on Percy Jackson The Titan's Curse (for fun) and Stranded (for chapter reports).  He has finished the first two Percy Jackson books as well as listened to the audio book How To Train Your Dragon and part of The Hobbit.  The Hobbit only lasted a few chapters.  He's read the book but the audio version was a bit challenging to pay full attention to in our home and the chapters were very long so it was easy to lose our spot if we weren't able to devote a very lengthy period of time to listening. 

Each coloured dot sticker represents a chapter he's completed.  On the yellow one you can see where he stacked his dots on top of each other.  I like how he changes it up every single time.  It's fun seeing the designs that come out. 

The other day I brought home C.S. Lewis  - The Magicians Nephew and The Horse and His Boy.  I'm looking forward to starting those.

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