Thursday 8 January 2015

Back to it

After a long and much needed break over Christmas, we're back to it.  In just two weeks he's already read House of Hades by Rick Riordan, which is a 600 page book as well as 300 pages of Blood of Olympus by Rick Riordan.  I can't believe how fast this kid blasts through his books.  I think he's excited to start reading The Hunger Games.  

I had seen a sculpture on Pinterest and thought we'd try our own version.  It didn't turn out near as detailed as the one I saw, but it was a fun and very fast art project.  Basically just try to sculpt your face with foil.  

 We also began some drawing with grids.  I think he worked too fast with this.  So I plan to make him go back and work on more detail and eventually some coloring.
 And in math we're working on angles.  Right, acute, and obtuse, measuring and drawing angles.  We even took a closer look at my mom's quilt to find all kinds of angles.  This subject in math is going well.  He's sailing through it quickly which is really nice.

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