Saturday 15 November 2014

Ancient Rome

Well, we've been working on Ancient Rome for a few weeks now and the time to showcase his work is just around the corner.  I think we may be cramming hard this weekend.  We don't have to be done by a certain point, but I find that it's a good way to cap off a 'lesson', plus, it's much more satisfying in my opinion.  Here, he is using a technique we did last year.  Do you remember the spider web?  First we traced the words onto paper which he chose the font for.  We attached that to a piece of cardboard then filled in the letters with hot glue.  We then lightly crinkled some foil and then placed it shiny side down over top and rubbed it gently until it was snug around the letters.  Once that was done, he rubbed shoe polish over it (it was stinky which is why he's doing it outside).  He made sure to leave the polish a bit darker around the letters.  Voila!  His Ancient Rome header for his presentation board.  

 Taking a time out from all the written/book research he and I have been doing.  Roman Holiday was on TV not long ago and it triggered me to tell him about the "Mouth of Truth" which is said to bite the hand of anyone who lies while holding their hand in it's mouth.  That in turn lead to some art work.  While the real thing is made of marble, his is made of modelling clay and just a touch smaller.  He's done such a great job with this and I am looking forward to seeing how it all comes out.  He's been typing like a mad man.  Once that's finished up we can print it up, cut it up and start piecing everything together.  Of course photos will follow.

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