Thursday 4 September 2014

Geometric Collaboration

Today we finished our art project.  A collaborative geometric masterpiece!  I'm so happy with how it turned out.  As shown in the previous post, we each used water colours to paint a picture. Not even really a picture, just covering the page with colour and design.  We then cut it into triangles, painted our canvas white and then placed the pieces somewhat randomly on the frame.  We each picked out our favourites and made sure to include them.  We put just a touch of glue on the underside of each piece (once we'd decided on a layout) just to hold them in place while we used homemade modge podge (ratio 3:1, glue to water) to seal the canvas.  I'm totally digging it!  I love how it came together and works so well together.  Each of our paintings were so completely different in colour and design.  

 We did some reading on mythology, a bit of Science and the study of ecosystems.  We also did one page of math.  It felt like it took all day because things were kind of spread out and at times hectic in the house, but we finished what we set out to and still managed to enjoy the majority of the day outside.

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