Monday 27 January 2014


I know it's been quite a while since I last posted what we've been up to, but that doesn't mean that we haven't been working on anything.  We're venturing into maps in Social Studies and Electricity in Science.  Right now he's thinking on what project he'd like to do that he can present at the learning centre.  For Christmas he got a fun electrical circuit board which has dozens of examples.  He's loving trying them out and creating his own. 

Tuesday 7 January 2014


 How much is 250 ml anyways?  What about compared to 30 g?  What is half of 1L?  What does that look like exactly?

We had been doing some fractions and measurements on Math Whizz so we decided to take it a step further and get some hands on first hand visual reference.  He then put them in order from least to greatest. 

Growing Rocks

After 1 minute
 After 5 mintues
 After 1 hour
 After 6 hours  (added more rocks)
 After 11 hours